Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I took my "Special Election" ballot down to City Hall today. Special, my ASS!!!! Its teh same bunch of over-paid administrators recruiting people to successfully run against their opposition in order to keep their high pay along with numerous positions with absolutely no opposition (no democracy...I mean fake democracy.)
The only person I was excited to vote for (other than John Dunzer..HA Just kidding!) was Lisa Wallace. Now here is a logical lady! Of course I was also excited to vote for Larry Pfunds opponent. Funny, notice I can't even remember his name, thats because I don't care, I was just glad to have someone to vote for other than Pfund. Though I'm sure Pfund will win....No fun in Pfund if ya ask me!!!

Here is a cute picture of my son helping me with my "Special Election" voters ballot,

Ruben always likes to help, ha ha! ME TRY!

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